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With the growing importance of Core Web Vitals, site owners and developers increasingly focus on performance and key user experiences. Google provides many tools to help evaluate, optimize, and monitor pages, but users are often confused by the different sources of data and how to use them effectively. This guide proposes a workflow combining several tools and clarifies where and how they make sense along the development process.

Read about various happenings with Baseline during February 2025.

ruby-align is now part of Baseline

Published: February 20, 2025 Browser Support Source The Background Fetch API requires your app to register a service worker. As the browser fetches, it displays progress to the user and gives them a method to cancel the download. Once the download is

Learn about rel=prefetch resource hint and how to use it.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a metric that quantifies how often users experience sudden shifts in page content. In this guide, we'll cover optimizing common causes of CLS such as images and iframes without dimensions or dynamic content.

Learn how to identify and fix layout shifts.

CSS scrollbar-gutter and scrollbar-width have landed in all major browser engines, making it Baseline Newly available.

In its first edition, this Baseline monthly digest covers happenings in Baseline at both Google and the web developer community in January 2025.

WasmFS and the mimalloc feature in Emscripten can help a lot with allocation and I/O performance. This guide shows how these features can lead to speed improvements of 10 times or more in some cases.

WebAssembly Garbage Collection and Wasm tail call optimizations have now landed in all major browser engines, making them Baseline Newly available.

This post introduces the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric and explains how to measure it